Record/Update Match Scores
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Record a Club Match

Enter your name and your opponent's name. Make sure you enter the winner and the loser in the appropriate columns. Only valid scores will be accepted.
Note: You must select one of the names from the options provided after you start typing.
Match Date:
Scoring Method:
Point a rally to 11.
Hand in, Hand out to 9.
Point a rally to 15.



Game 1:
Game 2:
Game 3:
Game 4:
Game 5:

You must be logged on to enter a match!

  • Players must agree to the official recording of the match PRIOR to starting
  • Matches must be 3 of 5 games
  • Matches may not be double counted (for example: a league match may not also be recorded here)
  • U.S. SQUASH sanctioned match rules apply, including the required use of ASTM-F803 approved eyewear and Dunlop ball